WeBCan AGM Minutes 21st March 2024

Report on Biodiversity Plan presented by Sue Mallender
Reported on discussions with Ben Driver of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
Main recommendations:
Encourage greater plant diversity by replacing reedmace with other plant species
Protect & enhance cover provided by hedgerows
Lay coir rolls on banks & seed with a wider variety of reed species
Cut & control brambles on towpath side but leave undisturbed on off-side
Repair & prevent water leakage but have a contingency plan in the event of low water levels
Commission a high-level management plan.
Report on a New Trent Link by Tony Osbond (GCS)
Presented findings of a feasibility study concerned with the construction of a new arm to the canal which leads from a junction near the spillweir to the River Trent through the fields to the east of Lady Bay.
Main points:
It will involve several stages over many years
Funding discussions for a connection between Gamston & Tollerton under the A52 are well advanced, and this stage is likely to be part of new trunk road improvements
The County Council is willing to reserve land on the Eastern side of Lady Bay for the potential extension of the canal
The landowner of the field to the east of the Hook (Mr Knibb) is open to discussions regarding its sale
Water levels in the existing canal would not be diminished by the new extension
The extension would involve constructing a new bridge over Radcliffe Road to allow boats and a towpath to pass under both carriageways.
Work Party progress & Summer plans by Paul Abel
Aims for the Summer
1) Prevent emerging Norfolk Reed & Reedmace shoots from blocking the central channel
2) After a period of warm weather, fill bulk bags with dry cut reed & float them across the canal
3) Survey the canal bed for leaks using a boat & underwater camera
4) Report evidence of leaks to CRT & GCS for further investigation
5) Raise funds for hiring the Truxor on a regular basis
6) Recruit more helpers
7) Start work parties in Gamston when bird-nesting season has finished
Finance Report by Ruth Kerry
The WeBCan account has been independently verified and approved.
Funding was gained through Rushcliffe Borough Council and an EMA Award
Total Income for the year £1,759.22
Total outgoings for the year £1,131.90
Bank Balance £ 627.32 (see below)
First Aid Training for volunteers (approx) £500.00 to be reserved leaving approximately £127.00.
Suggestions for new activities from the floor
Coordinate activities with litter pickers
Take advantage of funding available through the Lengthmen’s Scheme
Visit Naturescape Wild Flower Nurseries in Langar
Have a stall at the Lady Bay Open Gardens and Arts Festivals
Vote on amendment to Rule 10 of the Constitution
Rule 10 currently states ”Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting”; the proposal is to change this to “Amendments to the Constitution may be made at General Meetings, prior to which at least two weeks’ notice of the proposed change and the meeting must be given”.
Questions to Candidates & Vote for Committee
Co-Chairs: Penny Gowland & Paul Abel
Treasurer: Ruth Kerry
Work Parties Rep: Chris Harries
GCS Reps: Gary Dykes, Rob Cook, Hugh Crawford