Abbey Park Memories
We have started this page and hope that visitors to it will be able to look into the past. and maybe relive happy times too.
If you have any photographs or memorabilia we would love to include it too. All you need do is email us at our usual email address

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Every now and again, we receive items that elude to the history of Abbey Road and its surroundings.
We were more than grateful to obtain this wonderful photograph of a class of students with their teachers at South County School, (now West Bridgford Junior School) on Exchange Road from Keith who grew up on Abbey Road. The photograph is circa 1952.
Below is a list of the adults and children, some whom we believe to have passed away. However, you may remember the names yourself if you are of a certain age.
On a personal note and having worked at West Bridgford Junior School for 25 years until I took early retirement, I can see that this photograph was taken on the back wall of the playground next to what I knew to be the P.E. shed on the right of the picture. It was recently made into a rather lovely classroom.
Back row : Miss Ford/Harrison? Colin Wills, Wendy Greatrix, Malcom Barnes, June Legg, Richard Hammond, Anthea Rutherford, Alan Stokes, Mary Legg, Keith Rose, Rosemary Cluro, John Fox, Mr Angrave.
Middle Row : Trevor Mountford, Gillian Bartlet, Alan Griggs, Gillian Keyworth, Richard Barret, Christine Pretty, Anthony Zablocki, Ivy Offler, Keith Sansom, Broadbent ? John Mann.
Front Row: Linda Coleman, David Whittington, Josephine ? Peter Stevenson, Gillian ?, JohnWellings, ? Alan Disbrow, Josephine ? Barry Miles, Carol Taylor, Gillian Wallace.
Keith had several siblings and here, he writes about his dear brother who sadly passed away recently.