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  • Abbey Park Play Area | Abbey Park Nottm

    Our new play area comprises of several peices of equipment that are accessible to all. More are planned for the future. Play Park Improvements 2021-2025 The plan The reality Abbey Park Community Association (APCA) are pleased with the improvements the playground on Abbey Park and we hope you are too. Phase 1 of improvements is now complete and we are now looking at Phase 2 along side Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) officers. Two benches have been installed on the park during 2024 and are enjoyed by many people. They really have been a fabulous addition. See stock photo below. APCA discussed the potential for adult outdoor gym equipment to be included on the park. As with most things, it's a long time in the planning, but it continues to move forward and we hope to bring you some news in early 2025. Subject to funding there is potential in Phase 2 to include a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) with low level football goals on the flat area between the trees/bank and the rear of the houses on Waltham Close - see drawing below. This eventually incorporate landscape planting so the views from the nearby houses remain green and pleasant. At the beginning of March 2025 APCA volunteers will be installing a willow weave similar to the one in West Bridgford Park. It will be positioned between the play park and the nature trail providing a natural link between the two area. Smaller than the one in the park, it will need to establish itself, so we ask that you and your children respect this. Comments and ideas are always welcome and you can send them to us via the following email: Abbey Park Play Development.pdf Please click on the logo above to open up the downloadable PDF Plan of the Masterplan shown above. It has begun! Good things come to those that wait - well, not every time! The willow arrived, the plan was marked out on the field between the Play-park and the Trim Trail and turf removed in readiness for planting. Volunteers will be creating the Willow Weave over a couple of days and it will remain cordoned off for a while until it becomes established. Please be careful around the area whilst work is in progress. We hope it won't be too long before everyone can access the tunnel and enjoy it's beauty.

  • Abbey Park | Abbey Park Community Association | West Bridgford

    Abbey Park Community Association page for residents of Abbey Park, West Bridgford. Our aim is to bridge any gaps and empower everyone within our community and to build a better place to live for a brighter, safer future for ourselves and our children. Se connecter Click of the logo to go to Abbey Park Local Facebook Group Why not head over to see our Litter Picking Facebook Group Abbey Dogs Facebook Group (Private) Advertise here Our Aim: Our aim is to bridge any gaps and empower everyone within our community and to build a better place to live for a brighter, safer future for ourselves and our children. Please take a moment to scroll through our many pages for information on our Committee Meetings, Gardening & Beauty Tips, Events, Calendar, Children's Pages, Abbey Park History, Recipies, Challenges & Links to various external agencies. For any queries or comments, please contact us at our dedicated email address: Abbey Park Community Association Contact us Our lovely new notice board Our beautiful park Artwork by Simon Middlecote We are lucky to have some very talent people here on Abbey Park and Simon Middlecote is just one of them. Here, in this soft pastel drawing, he portrays the three Maple Trees next to Mountsorrel Drive as seen in October 2022

  • Advertise | Abbey Park Nottm

    For only £10 per year, you may advertise your business here. In totals economic climate it make sense! Advertise Would you like to advertise with us? Only £10 per annum. Simply get in touch to find out more. Contact Us Thanks for submitting! Submit Home

  • No 25 | Abbey Park Nottm

    Photos from our Advent window displays held annually her at Abbey Park Advent Calendar Abbey Park Notice Board Thank you for visiting our Christmas windows site. We wish you all a very happy, warm, safe and secure Christmas 2024

  • Pumping Station | Abbey Park Community Association | West Bridgford

    A once proud building, the Pumping Station was sadly demolished before we could object to its demise. Image courtesy of Simon Middlecote APCA Image courtesy of Lesley Morris APCA For up to date information, please Click here to visit the RBC Planning Application page The demise of our pumping station. Sadly, this year saw the demolition of one of the oldest buildings in West Bridgford. Our very own Abbey Road Pumping Station , to make way for much needed new housing. Incredibly, the plans of the pumping station were found in a skip! The drawings, which date from 1901, revealed the station at the Abbey Road depot was built in 1886 and it is hoped that they will be sent to the County Archives for safe storage as they show how West Bridgford has developed over time, having housed a pumping station, a bus depot, a council refuse depot and even a mortuary! The depot site actually featured a number of other historic structures that were built slightly after 1900/1901. The whole development was built to treat the refuse of Bridgford which included a destructor, that burnt solid waste. The clinker from that was then used under the roads of West Bridgford. There were stables and cart sheds, cottages for on-site staff and offices, and the site dealt with the waste and refuse of the people and businesses of Bridgford. Abbey Park Residents Association’s - Simon Middlecote, liaised with Rushcliffe Borough Councillors in the hope that the pumping station could at least be saved and repurposed as a community hub, but unfortunately, this was not to be. Going... Going... An aerial view of the site before demolition Gone!

  • APCA Minutes | Abbey Park Nottm

    APCA minutes 20th January 2025 - Abbey Park Community Association Committee MINUTES 20th January 2025 Abbey Park Community Association Committee Present:- Sue Andrew ( Chair), Ruth Kerry, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, Jo Mansfield, Helen Hetherington, Catherine Bailey, Tracey Turrill, Simon Middlecote, Caroline Stone. Apologies: Sheila Ashton, Councillor Julie Chaplain MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 4th June 2024 were noted. TREASURER’S REPORT Ruth gave details of the income and expenditure for the Association. Penny reported that she was to allocate money from her County Councillor Fund to purchase an air quality monitor. It was AGREED to note the report and welcome the purchase of the air quality monitor. SUMMER GATHERING The note of the de-brief meeting on last years summer gathering was considered and there was a discussion about the gathering for 2025. It was felt that there was a need for more volunteers for the face painting. A garden in a tray competition was suggested. It was AGREED That the summer gathering for 2025 be held on Sunday13th July from 2pm to 4pm. That a committee meeting be held on Monday 17th March at 7pm to agree the arrangements. That contact be made to get the following to attend:- Lady Bay Pop-up Café ( Catherine); Nottingham Bikeworks ( Sheila); Neighbourhood Police ( Sue) LITTER PICKING Ruth reported that litter picking was to be bi-monthly on the last Saturday in January, March, May, July, September and November 2025 from 11 to 12 noon. NO 5 BUS NEW ROUTE TO BUS TURNING CIRCLE Nottingham City Transport have indicated that the no 5 bus stopping at the bus turning circle on Buckfast Way would start in the spring. It was suggested that the new bus shelter on Alford Road going toward Morrisons should be by St Luke’s Church. Comment was made that two bus stops had not been changed to no 5 and were still showing the old bus route number. It was thought a bench should be placed by the bus turning circle and a discussion followed about how this could be funded. The arrival of the first bus to the bus turning circle was felt to be a good photo opportunity. It was AGREED that Sue would approach Rushcliffe about the bench. FEEDBACK ON MUGA AND CALISTHENIC EQUIPMENT A meeting had been held with a Rushcliffe Council officer and a mutual agreement had been reached. Questions arose re placement of the gym equipment. Derek Hayden (RBC) is to investigate and confirm asap. A small multi surface play area was to be sited behind the rope swings by the lilac trees. This would have a small goal post and have a hedge planted around it. It was felt Rushcliffe needed to notify nearby residents of this work. However, this is not imminent and to be considered for a later project when RBC funding allows. It was AGREED that Ruth would contact Rushcliffe to get them to notify nearby residents when this work was to start. WILLOW WEAVE The willow was being delivered on 24 February and had to be planted within 2 weeks. It was AGREED that planting be arranged for week beginning 3 March involving Jo, Helen, Sue and Catherine and that Sue contact Dan to see if he could assist. LOCAL RESILIENCE FORUM Sheila and Ruth were attending the Local Resilience meeting on 8 February. 2026 TAPESTRY AND 50 YEAR CELEBRATIONS OF ABBEY PARK Catherine and Tracey were leading on the tapestry and workshops were planned at the Willow Tree and the Community Centre. The aim was the tapestry to be completed for display at the 2026 summer gathering. LEAF MOULD CONTAINER It was reported that Mike Kerry would build a leaf mould container to be sited on Fountains Close. MULCH Sue thanked everyone who had helped move the mulch just before Christmas. The issue had now been resolved. It was suggested that a designated place for mulch be sought. It was AGREED that Sue approach the County Council to get a designated area for mulch. FUND RAISING It was AGREED to defer this item to the next meeting when Sheila was present. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Items for Possible Future Funding Initiatives The following were put forward as possible measures for future funding Lighting along the canal path Parked cars damaging the grass at the end of Buckfast Way during school collection. Either extending the double yellow lines or creating a parking bay Install dropped kerbs on Waltham Close…some are missing. Estate’s 50 years Celebration Simon suggested that the estate was a good example of architectural heritage and could be a candidate to become a conservation area as it was self contained and retained its character. He suggested arranging a walking tour as part of the celebrations ad having an interpretation panel. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was AGREED that the Annual General Meeting be held on Tuesday 10 June at 7pm at the Community Centre. The meeting closed at 9.05 pm. Previous Next

  • Abbey Park History | Abbey Park Community Association

    A brief history of Abbey Park and it's immediate surroundings Home A.P.C.A.Minutes Green Areas Litter Picking Book Club Abbey Park History Items WeBCan More Back Air Raid Shelter on Abbey Road Abbey Park History Abbey Park in West Bridgford estate is a pleasant and quiet area of West Bridgford with a diversity of cultures and was constructed in the mid– to late–70s on land that were previously uncultivated fields and allotments. The Willow Tree pub ( A free house) was constructed at the same time. The roads are named after famous abbeys and are laid out in a manner that precludes fast driving. Divided in two, with the majority of homes being constructed for private purchase, there are a smaller number constructed for council tenants .There is a mix of three, four and five-bedroom homes on the private‐owned estate in townhouse , semi-detached , link detached, and detached configurations, with a small number of bungalows . Bisham Drive, Dale Close, Newstead Drive, Mountsorrel Drive, Fountains Close, Waltham Close, and Nearsby Drive form the larger housing areas with the houses arranged in cul-de-sacs . The two through-roads on the estate are Rufford Way and Buckfast Way. Tewkesbury Close, Hexham Close, Bolton Close, and Furness Close, and includes some warden-aided accommodation for the elderly are to be found near the Old Council Depot site and a community Centre sits along side these dwellings . Adjacent Abbey Circus houses a small green band notable for its WW2 air raid shelter, which is still in existence today. Earmarked for demolition in 1979 as the Cold War drew to a close, the 67 ft shelter (B34TYB) was mothballed but recently has been protected and is now considered to be a site of Special Scientific Interest Side by side map OS 1:10,560, 1949-1969 map and present day

  • No 13 | Abbey Park Nottm

    Photos from our Advent window displays held annually here at Abbey Park Advent Calendar 70 Blake Road StockTune-Silent Snowflake Serenade_1734087761 Artist Name 00:00 / 04:00

  • Committee Members | Abbey Park Community Association | West Bridgford

    Here we list our present committee members. If your'e interested in joining us, please do ask. About Us APCA Abbey Park Community Association Committee Members Sue Andrew (Chair) Simon Middlecote (Vice Chair) Catherine Bailey (Vice Chair) Caroline Stone (Secretary) Ruth Kerry (Treasurer & Website) Chris Holmes (Minutes) Penny Gowland (Rushcliffe Borough Councillor) Sheila Ashton Tracey Turrill Joanne Whittingham Helen Hetherington Jo Mansfield Home

  • No 24 | Abbey Park Nottm

    Photos from our Advent window displays held annually her at Abbey Park Advent Calendar 83 Byron Road StockTune-December Reflections_1735058671 00:00 / 02:26

  • Advent Calendar | Abbey Park Nottm

    Advent Windows. clicking on links will take you to each page Advent Calendar 2024 Days will be revealed daily, so click on each day to see the window. 1 5 2 4 3 Advent Calendar Map 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 21 22 23 24

  • Abbey Park Community Centre | Abbey Park Nottm

    A place to find our about our special community woth lots of information on clubs and gatherings Home

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