Commitment on a cold, wet December day
Several stretches along Lady Bay

More than anticipated turned out for the working party this Sunday, which was great considering the forecast of rain and wind. Thankfully, the rain held off for the most part and three separate groups took on different areas of the canal bank along Lady Bay.
Paul had hoped to launch the boat, but an incorrect adapter to inflate it, put paid to that idea. Never one to be thwarted, Paul soon found one and later sent us the phot you see of him here.
Sometimes we don't always appreciate the work we have done, but the final photo (courtesy of Brenda Baxter) shows the swans enjoying the canal. Not being too sure of where about this photograph was taken, I asked her and was thrilled to see it was at the entrance to the canal at Gamston Bridge. It really does look tidier and the swans are clearly loving it too!